Regional Theatre Skills Development and Touring Program
An initiative of JUTE Theatre Company in collaboration with regional theatre companies, arts organisations and artists across Queensland and Northern Territory with funding from Regional Arts Fund and support from Arts Queensland Partnerships and Regional Arts Development Fund.
Skills Development and Training
Build Back Better seeks to re-invigorate regional theatre through strategies that build cross-regional professional theatre skills, renews networks of regional artists and theatre makers, and creates employment and touring opportunities.
JUTE Theatre Company leads the project, partnering, consulting and collaborating with Queensland regional and Northern Territory producers, theatre-makers, and the Regional Arts Service Network.
STAGE 2 of this exciting new program is currently underway following a huge response from over 74 independent regional theatre artists, theatre-makers and theatre arts workers based in regional Queensland and Northern Territory registering over 250 applications to be part of this skills development and training program. The response was so great that JUTE has sought further funding to support a second round of the training and skills development to be hosted into next year.
There are 9 areas of training, many of which are delivered online, all of which are aimed to bring together professional regional artists and theatre makers to learn from each other and create relationships that will result in strong cross-regional projects and employment into the future.
The 9 areas of learning or PODs (POD – Programs of Development) are: Writing for Stage/Dramaturgy, Working with First Nations People, Directing For Stage, StageCombat/Fight Direction, Lighting Design, Set Design, Technical Production, Stage Management, Theatre Arts Administration. Read more about each POD in our downloadable Build Back Better Skills and Training document.
The Expressions of Interest process for all other workshops is now closed and the PoDs have have started.