Write Out Loud
Do you have a story you feel passionate about?
Is it bubbling away in your mind just waiting for a chance to be heard somehow? Have you ever thought about learning the craft of writing for the stage?
Even if you have some experience in performance or performance writing, this course gives you so much more than just the basics. Write Out Loud offers an exciting online professional development opportunity for writers.
You have good stories to tell, everyone does. But so often those great stories don’t get told and that’s a huge shame. Stories are life experiences, things that have happened to you, happened in your family and in your community. Without those stories being told, we stand to lose so much.
So what’s your story? Write Out Loud will help you to tell your story and be the creative person you know you are.
Through interactive videos with playwright and actor Kathryn Ash you can expect fun, adventure, challenge, imagination sparks, hands-on writing exercises, ideas coming out of your ears, and the tools to catch those ideas and make them into great stories people will love.
The program features 9 modules of learning to access at your own pace. There’s also downloadable worksheets, industry tips and a host of interactive tools to help you gain the creative confidence to make that script for performance really work.
Click here to catch an obligation-free test module. (Once you create an account and password, you will be able to access the free module.)
Write on!
Kathryn Ash
Write Out Loud
If you would like to know more about the program, please contact JUTE’s Writing Program staff member, Kathryn Ash on (07) 3733 2195, email kathryn@jute.com.au.